Monday, 15 August 2011

FASTNET ROCK Race with 3 VOR boats.

The Rolex Fastnet Rock Sailing event has Started Yesterday with 314 participating boats in different categories. 

Special on this Race is the VolvoOceanRace inside of this, with 3 VOR boats participating: Groupama4, Abu Dhabi and Sanya.

see the link above for a tracker to follow the progress. 

This is seen as a nice opportunity for the 3 teams so make a kind of race among themselves and learn to sail the boat in the future competitive field. 

Now , about 22  hrs into the race, the 3 boats are still close together, some Nm apart only just South of Lands End. 
Sanya Lan is now indicated as firts, she just has made a tack to NW and is closer to the Rhumline, with Groupama4 on a 2nd and Azzam (AbuDhabi) on a 3rd place.