VOR Scoreboard

During the VOR, the boats will earn points for their performance in both the In-Port races and the Leg's. But there is this edition of VOR a separate scoreboard for the Overall Legs and the In-Port Races.

The Overall Score on the Legs; the winner is the boat with the minimum points.
Final OVERALL Scoreboard VOR 2014-2015
Mapfre beats Team Alvimedica as they scored  better in the In-Port Races 

The final Score on the In-Port Races, 

Final Score In-Port races VOR 2014-2015

VORG 2011-2012

8 July 2012
The In-Port Race in Galway was won by PUMA, also their 1st and only victory in the VolvoOceanRace2011-2012. 
This event was also to End of the VolvoOceanRace2011-2012. Below is the ultimate scoreboard.
Ultimate Scorecard for VolvoOceanRace 2011-2012
Groupama is the overall WINNER for VolvoOceanRace 2011-2012. With Camper as Runner-up. 
Puma claimed Victory on the Overall In-Port races, with again Camper in 2nd spot. 

Hope to see you all in 2014, the next edition of Volvo Ocean Race. 

3 July 2012
The last LEG 9 of the Volvo Ocean Race has finished in Galway. Camper made their first victory in a off shore leg and are now 2nd in the Overall scorecard. 
Scorecard after Finish Leg9. 

With now only one In-Port Race to go, there will be no changes in the scorecard anymore. 

16 June 2012
Groupama is Winner in Leg8 a short Leg from Lisbon via Azores to Lorient. It had however an unexpected ending as some boats made moves in the last 12 hours, and of course influenced by the  damaged rudders on Telefonica. 
Scorecard after Finish Leg8

16 June 2012
Azzam was the lucky winner of Leg7, maybe not the fastest boat of them all, but with their good strategy the quickest over the Finish line.
Scorecard after Leg7 Finish in Lisbon
20 May 2012
The In-Port Race in Miami offered a real spectacle of close sailing, narrow overtaking and drama at the buoy's. 
Scoreboard after Finish of In-Port Race Miami
11 May 2012
Leg 6 has Finished in Miami and all 5 participating Boats arrived without big structural problems. 
Scoreboard after Finish of Leg6 

24 April 2012
The Itajai In-Port Race  was again an exciting one and a huge surprise halfway as the leading boat made a turn at the wrong buoy and toppled from first to last. 
Scoreboard after the Itajai In-Port Race. 

19 April 2012
Leg5, will no doubt be remembered as the Boat breaking Leg. Only One Boat, Puma, made it without outside assisted repairs and suspension of the Race for the time of the Repair. 
All the better that Puma also was the Winner of Leg5, be it with a small advance only. 
Scoreboard after finish of Leg 5.

18 March 2012
The In-Port Race in Auckland harbour has finished, actually now the Boats have started already the Leg 5 to Itajai , Brazil. Again the In-Port was a close race with some changes in rankings throughout the race.
Scoreboard 18 March 2012 after the In-Port Race Auckland. 
 11 March 2012
The Leg-4 from Sanya to Auckland has Finished. It was an interesting leg, with un-expected route choices and a tight End-sprint to the finish for the 2-3-4 places. 
Scoreboard 11 March 2012 after Finish of Leg 4. 

18 February 2012
The In_Port Race in Sanya has just finished and the scoreboard has changed like shown below:
Scoreboard after Sanya In-Port Race
Good winds, a little shifty at some moments, helped make this Sanya In-Port Race a nice one to watch ( see link in TAB Video's). Boats had good speeds and with some short legs, there was plenty of actions. 

6 February 2012
Scoreboard after completion of Leg 3. 
The arrival of all boats in Sanya, China, has given a new scoreboard now without any restrictions. Next points scoring event will be the In-Port Race in Sanya, on Saturday the 18th of February 2012. 

20 January 2012
Scoreboard after Leg3 stage 1
The arrival of Sanya Lan in the safe haven, has concluded their points upto and including the progress of VOR so far. The next points can be gained in the  Finish in Sanya in the Leg3 - 2nd stage. 

14 January 2012
Scoreboard after Abu Dhabi In-Port Race

The In-Port Race in AbuDhabi offered an interesting battle. For Sanya Lan some points may have to be added once she managed to reach in sailing conditions the safe haven. 

7 January 2012

Scoreboard after Finish of Leg2 (both stages)
Leg2 consisted of 2 stages, because of the Pirate threat. Above shows the combined results after the Finish in Abu Dhabi. Next point scoring event will be the Abu Dhabi In-Port Race on Friday 13 January followed next day  by the Start of Leg 3. 

12 December 2011
Actual Ranking on Scoreboard after the In-Port Race in Cape Town:
Scoreboard after In-Port Cape Town
The next scoring event is the Leg2 Race from Cape Town to Abu Dhabi. 

27 November 2011
Volvooceanrace_scoreboard  can be found here. 

actual ranking after Finishes of Leg 1:
VOR Scoreboard- After Finish Leg1 in Cape Town -  30 November 

1 November 2011
after the first event: Alicante In-Port Race the classification looks like:

CONGRATULATIONS for Abu Dhabi for their first Succes.


  1. Thank you provided a scoreboards. But some of these not clear..

    1. Hi Visu Raja
      what exactly is not clear?

      What I have done is, at each end of a point adding event (leg, and In-Port race)I have copy/pasted the scoreboard at that moment into my blog.
      The VOR website will show you only the last valid one, which is the final scoreboard at the moment.
