Saturday, 27 September 2014

A fortnight till the START of VolvoOceanRace 2014-15 Leg1

The VolvoOceanRace 2014-2015 a historical sailing adventure around the Globe will start actually in one weeks time, on 4th October 2014 with the In-Port race between 7 Participating Boats in the harbour of Alicante, Spain. 

Countdown till the Start of VOR Leg1


A week later, on 11th October 2014, Leg 1 of 9 legs in the VolvoOceanRace 2014-2015 (VOR 2014-15) will start also in the Alicante harbour. The arrival of the VOR 2014-15 will be in Cape Town, South Africa. 

Virtual Sailing has for many years already been a partner of the VOR. Also this year a Virtual Sailing event is organised alongside the real Boats, so you can compete with the real sailors, be it in the comfort of your armchair. This years virtual sailing player is VR, and not a further improved VORG player,like last time. This is a pity as the present player is an old-fashioned one and for me a step back in time, for sure if you compare with the present state of the art virtual sailing games. e.g. Liveskipper, Sailonline, BWR player

The VORG player, due to its costs structure, (can be pretty expensive if you would buy all options) , does not create an even playing field for all virtual skippers. That is a pity as it will not reflect the quality of the skippers on the Podium.

For sailing in an even Playing Field a group of enthousiast skippers has created the No Money Sailors group. And FaceBook is the main communication platform.
This group sails in an even Playing Field by using the basic boat, without any additional options. This BIG advantage is having the additional bonus that it will not cost you any money, not a dollar, not an euro, not a dime. 
It is ALL FREE; like in a free BEER!!!

Join our VOR No Money Sailors group 2014-2015 and enjoy a enciting, challenging, fierce sailing race with plenty of fun as well 

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The New VOLVOOCEANRACE 2014-15 starting soon.

On 4th October 2014, 2 weeks ahead, will be the start of the VOLVOOCEANRACE 2014 event with the  Alicante In-Port Sailing Race.

Thereafter the 1st Leg will start on 11th October, from Alicante to Cape-Town.

Count down for the Start of Leg 1, for the Real boats and the Virtual Sailing Game, VORG.



Don't miss this most famous, adventurous, challenging and nail biting sailing event of the year.

Skippers that like to sail along the VOR the fleet in a virtual sailing game, with attractive prizes, can do this on the VOR supported game. 

The VR game, used this year for the VORG is a poor reflection of the former VORG and even worse than the present "state of the art" Virtual Sailing Games, like LiveSkipper or Sailonline; in LiveSkipper there will be a shadow sailing race with lots of competition and possible a comparison of your Boats progress with the progress of the real VOR Boats.