Friday, 28 October 2011

Start of VOR is approaching!

Tomorrow 29th October will be the START of the
VolvoOceanRace 2011-2012. 

At 13:00 UTC the VOR In-Port Race will Start in Alicante. This is the first Race counting in the Overall Classification. 

This years event will have even more life coverage and media attention than the VOR of 2 years back. For In-Port races a life 3D- tracker will be available from the VOR website. The Trackers will work only during the races, so lets watch it tomorrow.

The crew members for the  Alicante In-Port Race has  been announced, see the VOR website. 

Tomorrow 29th October the NEW VORG player will start a short Pre-start race at 12:00 UTC as announce on the VOR games website. The route will bring us from Alicante to the Islands of Mallorca and Menorca. Sailing in between those islands and return to Alicante. This pre-race will close on 2nd November to prepare the Player for the start of Leg 1 on 5th November.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ways to follow the VolvoOceanRace

The Starting date for the VolvoOceanRace 2011-2012 is nearing. It will all start with the In-Port Race in Alicante on 29th October at 12:00 UTC.

VOR is doing a lot on promotion, communication and provision of information this Race.

This is a summary of all methods to be used for the information before and during the VOR.

There will be on-line 3D live trackers for the In-Port and 2D trackers for the legs.
VOR is active on Facebook and Twitter and puts some interesting video's on Youtube.

A blog with daily news is maintained as well reporting on the  progress of the Boats, the special news and some insight in the weather on route.

Documentaries will be on TV via several stations and some radio reports as well.

And of course there is the VolvoOceanRaceGame, where you can sail your own Boat alongside the 6 real Boats and try to beat them. This year also App's for iPhone and Android mobiles will become available.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Last Training with New VolvoOceanRaceGame Player

The Volvo Ocean Race is coming closer to its start on 29th October with the In-Port race in Allicante.

Alongside the Real Sailing Race, there will also be a Virtual Sailing Player to sail the legs of the VOR alongside the real Boats.
Registration for this player has started here : Registration VORG 2011-2012

A Training with the new VORG will start TODAY with a Sailing Race from Auckland to Muscet Cove, NewZealand.
Start: 14 October 13:00 GMT

Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Official Start is coming closer

At the moment 6 Teams have confirmed for Participation in the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012.

These teams are:
  • Team SANYA
  • GROUPAMA sailing team
  • CAMPER with Emirates Team New Zealand
  • ABU DHABI Ocean Racing
  • PUMA Ocean Racing powered by BERG Propulsion.

The Official Start of the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012 will be on 29th October with an In-Port Race in Allicante.

All Boats have reached Alicante by now and making the last preparations.

A Short Qualification Race will start from Alicante on 7th October with a length of about 600 Nm. So All Teams can see their Competition and start comparing their Chances.