Thursday, 23 April 2015

VolvoOceanRace Boats struggling to stay ahead of the LiveSkipper Boats.

A group of enthusiast virtual sailors is sailing in LiveSkipper the Leg 6 route alongside, (or maybe ahead off ? ) the VolvoOceanRace Boats.
Have a look at the video below, also on Youtube.

The blue Boats and tracks are the LiveSkipper Boats and the red Boats and tracks are the VO65 Boats.
Initially is seems the new VO65 Boats are faster, but then the LiveSkipper skippers, sailing the Imoca 60 boat, prefer the Brazilian coastal route and till now are keeping up their good progress.

If you like to follow up on how this ends up in the Finishing city of Newport, USA, you may visit my blog every now and then. You may also scroll through the TAB's above for some interesting information, some of which is regularly updated.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

VolvoOceanRace continues Saturday from Itajai, Brazil.

With a good numbers of days of rest in Itajai, the sailing starts again with the Itajai In-Port Race on Saturday 18th April 2015 starting at 17:00 UTC. So lets see how fit the sailors are after their restdays, or whether they were to much dancing the samba and drinking the fantastic caipirinha's  =:)

Itajai In-Port race Start 17:00 UTC             

 Will SCA again be able to go for Victory, like they did already 2 times? The parcours is quite simple and the length depends on the strength of the wind, whether they sail the short/medium/long route. 

You will be able to see it live, on the VOR website and Youtube, VOR channel.

Monday, 6 April 2015

AbuDhabi takes Victory in Itajai,Brazil.

Abu Dhabi Boat finished firsts in Leg 5 in Itajai,Brazil. This Leg5 through the Southern Ocean, is said to be the real VOR sailing route and of course AbuDhabi skipper and sailors are happy to have won this one.

AbuDhabi wins 2nd Leg in Itajai
It did not come automatic , though. Last version of VOR, the AbuDhabi boat was hit by serious structural damage, that needed extensive repairs. This time, they got through without real problems, not so for Dongfeng , who brokes their mast though. Also SCA, damaged their optimum sail for Southern Ocean sailing and therefore could only see the other boats disappear on the horizon.
This version , however, is not that damaging as former VOR Leg5, where 6 out of 7 boats had serious damage;I think we have to thank the VO65 boat builders for making a proper Ocean going yacht.

In the last part of this leg, the differences between the first 4 boats were very small, extreme small if you consider a 6000 Nm race over the Southern Ocean.

Abu Dhabi has extended her lead with this Victory and becomes a strong contender for the Overall Win.

Arrivals in Leg 5:
Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing
FinishedElapsed time: 018d 23h 30m 10s
FinishedElapsed time: 019d 00h 02m 56s
Team Alvimedica
FinishedElapsed time: 019d 00h 24m 32s
Team Brunel
FinishedElapsed time: 019d 00h 25m 48s

For the Scoreboard please see the TAB Scoreboard above.