Thursday, 2 June 2011

The VolvoOceanRaceGame BETA II - Started

The VolvoOceanRaceGame BETA II has Started Yesterday 1st June 2011.
This is a closed 2nd test of the new VORG player, and I can see already some improvements from the 1st test. 

I see addional buttons:
-for "Enable auto-sail" selection. This will come handy if you have to set the WayPoint scheduler when away from the computer. I expect that the game will select the best sail or the given wind-conditions and the heading set for your boat.
-for "Enable auto angle". This, I expect, will lock the angle of attack, angle between the wind direction and your boat heading. So if the wind changes direction, you boat heading changes as well in order to keep sailing at the sail's most effective heading.
-When re-opening the game, I now see in a window a text stating whether the selected sail is the optimum selection for given wind conditions and choosen heading.

I will have to work with these and see that the effect is as expected. I guess today behind the computer is a better moment to test it as during the first night or later in the test-race.

I intend to follow the progress that I make in this race with my boat "Paradise" and plot it in a Google map. On the TAB above 'Route' you will be able to see it.  

Fair winds to all. 

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